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Hotkeys in Asset Forge

Article January 6th, 2024


    • Camera/Back S
    • Camera/Down LeftBracket
    • Camera/Forward W
    • Camera/Left A
    • Camera/Right D
    • Camera/Rotate down Keypad2
    • Camera/Rotate left Keypad4
    • Camera/Rotate right Keypad6
    • Camera/Rotate up Keypad8
    • Camera/Screenshot without UI F11
    • Camera/Screenshot F12
    • Camera/Up RightBracket
    • Camera/Zoom in Plus
    • Camera/Zoom out Minus


    • Edit/Cancel Escape
    • Edit/Clone CTRL + D
    • Edit/Copy CTRL + C
    • Edit/Cut CTRL + X
    • Edit/Delete Delete
    • Edit/Greeble G
    • Edit/Group G
    • Edit/Hide H
    • Edit/Lock L
    • Edit/Mirror M
    • Edit/Paste CTRL + V
    • Edit/Redo CTRL + Y
    • Edit/Rotate U
    • Edit/Undo CTRL + Z
    • Edit/Ungroup CTRL + G
    • Edit/Unhide CTRL + H
    • Edit/Unlock CTRL + L


    • Grid/Axis I
    • Grid/Down PageDown
    • Grid/Up PageUp


    • Selection/Focus F
    • Selection/Select all CTRL + A


    • File/Save As CTRL + SHIFT + S
    • File/Save CTRL + S
    • Gizmo/Rotate Q
    • Script/Repeat F5
